Philosophers Abroad!
Our faculty and students travel the world to examine the origins of global philosophical traditions and their expression in contemporary practices.
Our faculty and students travel the world to examine the origins of global philosophical traditions and their expression in contemporary practices.
The Bodaken Philosophy Symposium completes its first year and launches the second with an upcoming workshop on the theoretical and practical challenges of social life in the digital age.
From retirements and career milestones to groundbreaking research and new projects, our faculty and alumni continue to engage philosophy to deepen our understanding of the world.
Please join Jeff Kasser, along with Ben Prytherch (Statistics) and Emily Hardegree-Ullman (Physics), for a Science on Tap panel at Avogadro’s Number in Fort Collins at 5:30 pm on Wednesday, May 29th.
Stephen Brackett, educator, activist, hip-hop artist, and CSU philosophy alum, is the Spring 2019 Commencement Speaker for the College of Liberal Arts on Sunday, May 19th. On being a Philosophy major, Brackett says: “Every day I was working on how I thought; I was challenged on every idea I ever held and how I even […]
The Philosophy Department is hosting a student workshop on Friday, April 26th, at 3 pm in Eddy 6 (Jann Benson Ethics Center): “Creating Your Own Path: How to Survive the Bumps and Setbacks of Post-Grad Life.” The workshop will feature a panel of three recent alums: Michael Cooley, Galen Donoviel, and Emily Ward. All three […]
Please join us for the final Brew with a Brain event of the semester– 5 pm on April 3rd in Ramskeller in Lory Student Center. Dr. Moti Gorin will discuss, “Libertarian Paternalism: What is it, and is it Wrong?”
Check out this CSU Magazine feature on philosophy major, Joshua Griffin. Joshua Griffin has served 12 years in the Army, with 10th Special Forces Group, Airborne, based at Fort Carson, Colo., and the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment, known as the Night Stalkers. Griffin remains on active duty as he studies philosophy at CSU, with […]
Joshua Shepherd will present “The Value of Consciousness: Implications for Moral Status” on Wednesday, February 20th at 4:30 pm in Eddy Hall, room 200. All are invited to attend. Joshua Shepherd (MA, 2009) does work in the philosophy of mind and action, and in practical ethics. After a Master’s degree at CSU and a PhD […]