Epistemology of Science Workshop
This workshop will focus on the epistemic concepts that are central to scientific practice:
explanation, understanding, and knowledge. In particular, the focus will be on the social
structures, methods, and idealized representations used to accomplish these epistemic aims of
science. This workshop will bring together both junior and senior faculty from these disciplines
that are interested in these topics to discuss how these epistemic concepts are related and
what justifies us in accepting the epistemic products of science.
Schedule for Thursday, April 20 in Morgan Library, rm 203:
Coffee 9:00–9:30 am
9:30–10:30 am
Jay Odenbaugh (Lewis and Clark), “Don’t Believe the Hype? Non-Epistemic Values and the Debates Regarding Yellowstone, Wolves, and Trophic Cascades”
10:35–11:35 am
Domenica Romagni (CSU), “’To Measure by a Known Measure’: Kepler’s Geometrical Epistemology in his Harmonices Mundi Libri V”
1:30–2:30 pm
Jeff Kasser (CSU), Amounts and Kinds of Belief in Peirce”
Coffee 2:30–2:45 pm
2:45–3:45 pm
Karen Kovaka (UCSD), “OK, Doomer: Climate Change and the Ethics of Belief”